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My cute phone (✿◠‿◠) - 1/11/2013
Hi guys!!

Look at my phone! Is it not the cutest thing ever?!   Image and video hosting by TinyPic

It isn't even jailbroken! I downloaded an app called CocoPPa to do this ♥

You basically pick out an icon, tell it which app you want it to go through, & it opens the icon in Safari. You click "Save to Home Page" on the Safari menu, name it the name of the app, & move the app somewhere where you can't see it. Now whenever you press your new icon, it'll link through Safari to open your app. Pretty neat, huh? :D

The only downside to this app is it isn't a direct link to opening the app, you have to wait for it to link through which takes a little longer. But it's still oh so cute~ & free!

Also they don't have every single app on their search, which kinda sucks.. u____u but i did it for the apps they did have.

xoxo, Tofu♡

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