Hello lovely readers~ how are you today?

I'm so happy I've finally found a way to watermark my pictures without Photoshop, that's the reason I haven't posted in such a long time D': right now it's 9 pm on a saturday & my dad and Miyo are watching this disturbing uncensored movie in front of me.. i hate gore. -_____-'
ANYWAYS, on to the review!
I went to my local Japanese market this week to stock up on candy & mochi-related products, and i.. did.. just.. that. LOL.
what is going overboard
I bought green apple Hi-Chews, cookies & cream Crunky chocolate, Ujimatcha Kit-Kat, honeydew mochi, and strawberry mochi ice cream. ^O^
1. Nestle Kit-Kat Ujimatcha Latte 宇治抹茶ラテ
These candy bars are actually pretty yummy! I'm a lover of ALL things matcha flavored, so I was pretty excited to see these mini packages in stores as opposed to the big bag that's like $7.
These kit-kats have a very creamy green tea flavor on top, with a crunch. I wish it had a little bit more matcha flavor, but it's still yummy.
These are the contents of the whole package~ and then what each cookie looks like. If only they were bigger (。┰ω┰。) LOL.

This candy gets 4 roll cakes out of 5 :3
2. Crunky Chocolate Cookies & Cream クッキー&クリーム
This was my first Crunky bar and I was really surprised by how much crunch it has! I found out that Lotte is actually a South Korean company, and I guess they distribute to Japan and America as well?
This chocolate was creamy, with crunchy puffs inside. Had a really yummy cookies & cream flavor. This is a craving BUSTER.
It's really easy to eat a whole choco bar.. T__________T luckily I only ate half before forcing myself to banish it to my desk drawer LOL.
This candy gets 5 roll cakes out of 5~
3. Honeydew Melon Mochi めるん餅
MMMMM MOCHI. No mochi, no life, seriously. For those of you who don't know, mochi is a Japanese sweet rice dough that comes in all sorts of flavors, I just ate one of these bad boys hehehe. If you've never tried these, stop by your local frozen yogurt shop and top off your yogurt with some!!
I love these mochis because they come without azuki (red bean) filling in them like most mochis have. This one has some sort of melon-y bean jam & marshmallow inside, the strawberry version has strawberry jam & marshmallow inside, my personal favorite ^O^
The bean jam is alright, I personally would prefer just mochi but it's still really yummy and has a nice melon flavor AND smell. Chewy, doughy, squishy, delicious mochi. *3*
This mochi gets 4 roll cakes out of 5 cause of the bean jam and my own personal dislikes~ but if you like azuki filling, I'm sure these squishy little balls of goodness would be five stars C:
Well this pretty much wraps up my review~ I need to lay off sweets LOL. I've been super sick the past 2 weeks & this can't be good for my immune system T_______T;
I hope you all enjoyed this, please let me know if you did my clicking the little clock on the side <-- of my blog and dropping me a comment? C: it'd make my day. SERIOUSLY.
Have a goodnight everyone~ ♪